Divine Sight 20/20

Why are we afraid of being seen? The fear of judgement was taught to us at some point in our lives, mainly because of the culture of an angry god ready to destroy his creation based on whether or not we are having sex appropriately. But, How did this happen?

We come into the world as divine creations, beings of light and frequency… and somewhere along the way we forget the truth of who we are. We are taught that certain emotions are “bad” so we hide those emotions or push them away and ignore them, but they end up coming out as depression or some physical illness that we don’t understand.

Anger, bottled up and not seen, becomes depression.

What if we invite the feelings to sit beside us and tell us what’s wrong? What if we love ourselves as little children? There is a child inside each of us wanting to be heard and seen. Because somewhere along the way, we stopped saying, “Look at me!! Look at me!!” Because we were taught we weren’t worthy of being looked at. We weren’t worthy of being heard.

But we are.

Or maybe, somewhere along the way we were taught if we’re seen, we will get in trouble. If we’re seen, we won’t experience love. But the opposite is true. Love sees everything. And Love loves everything. Love knows all about your anger. And Love loves it. Love loves your anger. Love loves your sadness. Love wants you to be healed. That’s all love can do. Love cannot be what it’s not. Love is love. Love is a frequency. Love wraps its arms around sadness and anger and happiness and knows that feelings come and go and are experienced. But they do have to be experienced. They do have to be acknowledged. Or they will come out in other ways.

Why do you drink? To numb the pain. To numb the sadness. Why are you sad? Do you know why? What is the child in you trying to say or trying to show you? Why won’t you look? Are you afraid of your sadness? What would happen if you allowed it to be with you? To sit beside you?

“Hello Anger (or sadness), I am here. You can come sit beside me.”

How old is your sadness/anger? What age? What does little you want to say to older you? Allow your sadness/anger to be heard, to be seen. And then whenever you understand yourself better, allow yourself to realize you are older now. But you are one and the same. Invite the child to a safe place. It can be into your heart. It can be wherever the child feels safe. And you become one. And you get to be the adult that loves the child within you that never got loved, or seen, or heard. YOU get to love yourself.

And you can do this with any emotion. And you can do this at any time.

You are powerful. and worthy. and loved.

You are worthy of being seen. Darkness is just the light remembering itself. We don’t have to be afraid of it. It’s just wanting to be turned into light. And the way you turn darkness into light is with awareness, with seeing. You have to have an awareness that there’s a problem before it can be changed and healed.

I think that’s what 2020 is doing for us. An insane amount of people are realizing that the systems need to be changed. Many people are bringing awareness to child trafficking, Hollywood pedophiles, America’s Health Care System, The Judicial System, etc.

So many eyes are being opened to look at darkness in the face and shout for justice. And I say, “FUCK YES.” Stand up. Shout for change. But don’t forget to shout for change inside you as well. Love shouts. Love whispers. Love holds. Look inside your heart and be gentle with yourself. You don’t have to do anything alone. You’re NOT alone. You are love. You are loved. And you are exactly where you need to be. You came to this planet for THIS TIME, for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. You came to bring awareness to things that are absolutely not ok. You came to SEE and be SEEN. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being light and truth and freedom at this crucial time. Thank you for having the courage to love yourself every single day. Continue to be radical. Continue to know your worth.

“I know who I am. I know what I am. I know how I serve. Word I am Word.”

Namaste, Satnam.

Book recommendations:

“Three Magic Words” -U.S. Andersen 

“Everything is here to help you.” -Matt Khan

“The Universe Always Has a Plan” -Matt Khan

“The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” -John Mark Comer

“Word I am Word” (trilogy) -Paul Selig

“Levels of Energy” - Fredrick E. Dodson

“Accidental Saints”- Nadia Bolz-Webber

“Immortal Diamond” -Richard Rhor

“A Curious Mind” -Brian Grazer

“Prometheus Rising” -Robert Anton Wilson

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